gps trackers
Never worry about losing your suit, having the airlines lose your suit, you suit getting stolen, etc!
Track your fursuit's location in real time anywhere in the world with your smartphone. Just download the free app, and connect. The first month of service is free, after that you can purchase subscriptions thru the tracker's app for $5/month or less with no automatic renewal. App available on both Android and iOS.
Trackers also come with Bluetooth tracking service which can be used for free, no service plan required. You can also connect multiple trackers to one account.
FAA, TSA, FCC and airline safe. Smart technology in the tracker sends it into airplane mode upon take off, and automatically turns off airplane mode off upon landing.
App will notify you if something seems out of the ordinary with your tracker. You can also set up your own notifications, such as proximity and speed alerts.
Battery life is approx 15 hours. Rechargeable via USB cable (included). Will alert you via the app when in need of charging.
Trackers can be installed anywhere in your fursuit, but most often in the head. They will be installed in a hidden pocket, so no one will know its there, but you can still get to it to turn it on and off and recharge it.
Tracker size: 4”H x 2.75”W, 3.5oz
Price to install in your suit: $300 each